Definition Recovery Boiler
Recovery Boiler A boiler is a special unit used to purify
the compound - an organic chemical compounds contained in Black Liquor (waste
cooking from the digester) and at the same time as high-pressure steam
generator (High Pressure Steam).
Heavy Black Liquor (70% solid) containing:
An organic compound with the main content of Na2CO3, Na2SO4,
NaOH, Na2S.
Organic compounds derived from wood during cooking in the
digester in the form of wood fibers, ligmin
Heat energy contained in the Heavy Black Liquor range 3100 -
3500 kcal / kg dry solid.
Heat energy is partly used to convert the organic compounds
and partly used as fuel to generate steam
Heavy Black Liquor Evaporator Vacuum produced by the input
to the Mixing Tank, in the mixing tank mixed with combustion ash from ESP
(Electrostatic precipitator) and-1 from the economizer, economizer-2,
Boiler Bank, then added with salt cake (Na2SO4 powder).
Once mixed in the Mixing Tank, Heavy Black Liquor (HBL) is
sprayed into the furnace to burn through the spray gun. Prior to the furnace
going process of drying by blowing hot air, then collects in the bottom of the
furnace to form charbed and caught fire after reaching the point of combustion.
Combustion air needs exhaled through the Primary, Secondary
and Tertiary wind boxes located around the bottom of the furnace wall.
To start combustion in the furnace as well as to stabilize
the combustion conditions, use of diesel fuel is sprayed through a burner into
the furnace.
During combustion, the following process takes place in the
furnace are:
1. The compound - organic compound burning releases heat and
partly turned into a gas.
2. Sodium sulphate (Na2SO4) contained in the HBL and the
salt cake is reduced to a compound of sodium sulphite (Na2S)
Na2SO4 + 2C + 2 Co2 Ns2S
The speed reduction is calculated:
Reduction Rate: Na2S. X 100%
Na2S + Na2SO4
3. The compound - an organic compound called Smelt melt like
If the conditions of combustion is complete, reduction rate
reached> 95%
A melt of organic chemicals (smelt) will accumulate around
the side charbed smelt spout and flow out into the dissolving tank, where in
the dissolving tank, smelt will be dissolved with WLL (WEAK White Liquor) from
RC, the mixture of smelt with the WLL-called Green liquor (GL) which is pumped
from the dissolving tank RB to RC section for the Recausticyzing be WL (White
Liquor) or cooking liquor
For reuse as raw wood cooking in digester (Pulp Making
Time of air and gases - gases of combustion, called flue gas
still contains a high amount of heat Energy.
Flue gas is inhaled / drawn by a device called the Induced
Draft Fan (IDF), where the flue gas will pass through the pipe - boiler pipe so
that water contained in boiler piping briefly - of land become heated and
turned into high-pressure steam will then be used for the propulsion of Turbine
Generator to generate electrical energy.
So the production side of the Recovery Boiler is STEAM high
pressure (60 bar)
Smelt Reduction Efficiency:
Na2SO4 + 2C + Heat ----- Na2S + 2CO2
SRE = Na2S/Na2S + Na2SO4 x 100%
--- CaO + H2O Ca (OH) 2
Ca (OH) 2 + Na2CO3 --- 2NaOH + CaCO3
CaCO3 + Heat ----- CaO + CO2
History of Recovery Boiler
Kraft Porridge was first developed in Germany in 1870's, in a strong sense in Germany : kraft
pulp fiber slurry to produce hard at a short maturation process.
Addition of Na2SO4 will be accelerated with delignification
process without reducing the strength of pulp fibers.
Pulp first made in 1909 in the city Roanake Rapids, North Carolina , kraft
pulp growing popularity, in 1930 to found the Recovery Boiler is made more
economical kraft pulp.
Today kraft pulp about 70% is produced in America .
Feed Water to Steam Cycle Recovery Boiler 6
Demineralizer water (steam PG) Feed Water Tanks economizer
economizer 1 2 Dolezal (to RB & RB-6-12) Steam drum bottom of steam drum to
the boiler wall piping, furnaces & Steam Boiler drum bank top to the screen
tube Primary Secondary superheater superheater Tertiary superheater steam to
the turbine generator.
Park Pressure Recovery Boiler
1. Furnace site of a combustion process HBL
2. Superheater is placed over the furnace, and the screen is
protected with a nose tube.
Nose is designed to produce flue gas flow pressure of a
strong and directed to the superheater, as well as to protect the superheater
from the excess. Then superheater which comes from the furnace to the
superheater. This event continues from primary superheater, secondary and
tertiary superheater superheater.
3. Screen Tube
To avoid direct heat flue gas coming from the furnace to the
superheater and the lower the temperature of the furnace by means used by the
screen tube.
4. Boiler Bank
Its location is situated behind the superheater.
5. Economizer
Economizer economizer consists of 1 & 2 is the long
stream counter flow between the flow of flue gas and feed water
Factors Supporting Recovery Boiler
1. Soot Blowing System
Aims to bring down the soot blowers or clean ash piping
attached to the inside of the boiler (superheater, boiler bank, economizer).
RB-6, has 86 sets Sootblower (43 to the left, 43 top right)
2. Medium Pressure Steam
For Air preheater, start-up burner, smelt spout steam
3. Low Pressure Steam
For water preheater
4. Condensate
5. Electrostatic precipitator (ESP)
Each RB must be equipped with ESP which is useful for
capturing particles - solid particles contained in the flue gas further solid
particles (ash) is returned to the mixing tank to be mixed with HBL
RB-5 Equipped with 2 sets ESP
RB-6 & 12 are equipped with 3 sets ESP
RB-11 is equipped with 4 sets ESP
Recovery Boiler is also equipped with security system
1. Interlock System
This system serves to prevent damage in case of
irregularities Boiler operating conditions.
2. Safety Valve
This tool serves to keep the boiler pressure does not exceed
the limits specified security pressures.
3. Rappid Drain System.
This system serves to empty the water boiler to a minimum
label, if there is a severe leakage in the piping boiler causing water to enter
into the furnace.
This system operated at the time of emergency and went so
fast for Boilers avoid further damage.
RB Quality Control
1. Demineralizer Water Conductivity pH 6.0 ~ 8.0 <5.0 ms
/ cm
2. Feed Water Conductivity pH 8.0 ~ 9.5 <5.0 ms / cm SiO2
<40.0 ~ 50.0 ppb 10.0 ppb N2H4
3. Boiler water pH 9.5 ~ 10.5 Conductivity <150.0 mx / cm
PO4 2.0 ~ 12.0 ppm SiO2 <3:50 ppm
4. Saturated Steam Conductivity pH 7.5 ~ 9.5 <5.0 ms / cm
SiO2 <40.0 ppb
5. Steam superheater Conductivity pH 7.5 ~ 9.5 <5.0 mx /
cm SiO2 <40.0 ppb
6. Green Liquor NaOH 12.0 ~ 20.0 g / l Na2S 25.0 ~ 35.0 g /
l Na2CO3 70.0 ~ 85.0 g / l TSS <1500 ppm
7. Smelt Reduction rate> 95.0%.see also previous article"How
does a power plant boiler work?".
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